An Unplanned Post-Holiday Stream of Consciousness at the Beach

This episode was not the one I had planned for today/this week. It is an unplanned post-holiday stream of consciousness at the beach.

I took myself to my happy place this past weekend overlooking the ocean. As I sat there enveloped by the warmth of the sun, the colors of the flowers surrounding my bench, and the sound of the waves, I was inspired to open voice memo and share what came from my heart in that moment. What came out was a ten-minute stream of consciousness that I found helpful to release and perhaps there will be something you will glean from it as well.

It’s raw, unplanned, unorganized; just me and my thoughts. I hope you’ll join me.

Not be missed take-ways:

1. Be present without the need of an outcome.

2. Let your thoughts come without judging them.

3. Get off the couch and stretch your body, your mind, and your limitations.

4. If we focus on the yuckyness in our lives, that’s all we’ll see.

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

1) Take yourself to a happy place and let your thoughts soar.


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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