Are You Afraid to Feel Joy? Sometimes? Like Me?

In today’s episode, I’m talking about Joy. Why? And why now? Well, my birthday is coming up this weekend. So what does the topic of Joy have to do with my birthday you may be wondering?

When you listen you will hear me share some very personal thoughts and feelings that explain why and how for the longest time, I thought there was something wrong with me; until I heard Brene Brown talk about this. It was the first time I felt understood and not to mention relieved. Did you know that Joy is the most vulnerable emotion we experience? Join me, and please share with others who you think need to hear this.

Not be missed take-ways:

1. Joy is the most vulnerable emotion we experience.

2. Foreboding joy can be a way of protecting ourselves from vulnerability.

3. We think that if we don’t worry, something bad will happen, or that if it does happen, we will be more prepared.” Brene Brown

4. The truth is, that you can’t practice tragedy and it doesn’t make us feel better. We’re not more prepared when something bad happens.

5. What we do end up doing, however, is squandering the joy that we need when hard things happen.”

6. “Joy is the most vulnerable emotion we experience, and if you cannot tolerate joy, what you do is you start dress rehearsing tragedy.”

7. Practice gratitude.

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

1) The next time you are feeling joy and find yourself either trying to dress rehearse tragedy, or intentionally worry to better prepare yourself for when it does, practice gratitude.

2) I just want to say that I am focusing on how grateful I am to you for listening. For coming back again and again. I’m truly honored that you take time, your precious time to listen to what I’m putting my everything into to hopefully make some kind of difference. The support I receive and feel most consistently comes from the most unexpected places and people. I am grateful, thank you.


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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