A Little Bit About Grief + Some Jaw-Dropping Stories of “Hearing” From People Who Have Died

In today’s episode I talk a little bit about grief + some jaw-dropping stories of “hearing” from people who have died.

Grief is not linear, and we all grieve differently and on our own timelines. Brene Brown was asked how long true grief lasts, and her answer was, “As long as it takes.”

I believe that love in a relationship continues once someone is gone and I have witnessed this by receiving what I believe are ‘signs’ from the other side. I share unexplainable events that have happened to me after losing people I love, and also stories from others. Skeptics may think what they want, and I challenge any of them to explain how these things could have happened. We are energy, and our energy doesn’t die.

One of my missions with this podcast is to talk about the stuff people won’t or don’t want to talk about. That’s bound to increase the number of listeners, don’t ya think?! Seriously, let’s talk about all the elephants in the room! Are ya with me?

Not be missed take-ways:

1. Regarding loss: “You don’t move on. You move forward with it. You’re carrying not just the loss, but the love. You are carrying it all inside you.” Nora McInerny

2. Grief is not linear and we all grieve differently on our own timelines.

3. “We live in a culture where people need us to move through our grief for the sake of their own comfort, and grief does not have a timeline. It takes as long as it takes.” Brene Brown

4. We can feel loss and sadness one minute and laugh the next. It is a complex emotion, and we need to let ourselves feel what we feel and not try to force anything either way. Or feel guilt.

5. There is more to life and death than meets the eye…if we are open to seeing and feeling it.

6. If you’re not feeling everything, you’re missing everything.

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

Stay open. Feel your feels. Be compassionate with yourself. Don’t push the river. And lastly, if you have had any experiences like I shared, I’d love to hear from you.


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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