After an Emotional Month I Wonder:
Is Life About the Big Moments or
The Moments In Between?

The past month has been one of a lot of feelings and experiences from one end of the spectrum to the other, some anticipated some not.

From the saddest moments to the most exciting. From feeling disconnected, irrelevant and sad to the point of my face breaking out (which nevvver happens) to feeling embraced by the most loving hugs; both literally and metaphorically.

It seems like it’s the big moments in life that attract most of our attention and anticipation. They are the times that embed themselves as memories in our mental film library.

There’s no question that our huge accomplishments are huge and important. AND, so are the moments in between that fill our hearts and life experience.

This got me thinking more about moments in between (the good ones of course)…an exercise I highly recommend doing.

Remembering past good in between moments also reminds you that you had them, even when perhaps there were other not such good things happening at the same time. And that can be true again.

Many of us are afraid that in later life there are to be fewer of these moments. And I say, if you believe that to be true, it will be. What do you choose to believe?

I hope you’ll join me to also hear which moments in between of mine came to mind.

Not be missed take-ways:

  1. If you want to see someone, or talk to someone, call them. Don’t wait for them to call you.

  2. If you want to see the ocean, the mountains, a sunset, a sunrise, do it.

  3. If you want more moments in between, notice them, create them, find them; they are waiting for you.

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

Pay attention to the moments in between and remember them…and keep creating new ones.

Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!

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