Alison Armstrong, Expert in Human Behavior: Understanding Men, Women and Relationships

I am so excited for you to hear this episode, which is a full circle moment for me. Alison Armstrong is my guest. I took Alison’s series of workshops in 2006 for several years, and she changed how I looked at men and at relationships. Little did I know that one day I would have the honor of having her as my guest on my podcast almost 20 years later!

Alison is a true expert in human behavior. In 1991 she began to study men to find out how she was bringing out the worst in them. Her success in understanding men led her to studying women’s behavior and making vital connections between the two.

Bottom line dear Loving Later Life listeners: she will shock and surprise you with what she says about dating, sex, her own experience of losing her incredible husband in 2019, her current relationship, and how both men and women behave in ways that contradict and undermine our own purposes, goals, values, needs and relationships.

Not be missed take-ways:

  1. Alison teaches men and women how to understand and appreciate and partner with men and women.

  2. When on a date, lead with what’s true about yourself that isn’t likely to change and would be, what could scare someone off. Tell the truth.

  3. Most men find security in being productive which is why trust and respect are huge for them.

  4. Most women experience being safe by feeling connected. Interest and attention is a woman’s access to being connected.

  5. Men default to privacy. One question makes an interrogation for them.

  6. Women think men aren’t interested because they don’t ask questions, and that’s because many men think questions are rude.

  7. When deciding to meet someone new, if you express your needs ie: when you are able to meet them and they push back in any way: The End. Don’t go to meet them. It’s a sign they’ll keep doing what they think is the right thing to do without consideration of you expressing what you need.

  8. Many people only honor the needs and desires that make sense to them. True honoring is trying to see if you can meet the other person’s needs.

  9. If they think it’s controlling when you say what matters to you: The End.

  10. Tell someone what your deal breakers are before you meet them because that’s when you care the least about what they think about you. Be loyal to yourself.

  11. Expectations are like bunny rabbits. They breed more expectations.

  12. We have to create our own enough.

  13. In a relationship, do they honor what you need? Have you told them, and are you getting enough? And if you’re not, have you asked?

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

Check out Alison’s workshops and all she has to offer at:

Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!

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