Ciji Ware: TV Emmy winner, Journalist, NYT Best-Selling Author at 80

I am honored and thrilled to share a conversation I had with Ciji Ware. Ciji is a Harvard graduate, New York Times and USA Today bestselling novelist, Emmy award winning television producer, reporter for TV and radio, a DuPont award winner for investigative journalism, and sought-after event speaker.

In this episode, Ciji shares fascinating fun facts and stories you won’t believe. She grew up in Hollywood (and James Cagney was her godfather); as a married TV reporter for NBC, she was fired in 1971 because she got pregnant; just a few years ago she found out she had cancer with the help of a spider; and now at 80, she is writing her 16th novel. This book is the third in the series “American Spy Sisters” inspired by brave U.S. women secret agents who fought the Nazis in WWII.

Ciji has had many setbacks and challenges, and she persevered. Listen to this inspiring conversation and you will be reminded that you can make it through anything by accepting change, and staying both curious and grateful.

Not be missed take-ways:

1. Curiosity and gratitude are the two things that really, really, really save us from getting too down in the dumps.

2. Let go of the stuff that doesn’t matter.

3. Never say no until you know what they’re offering.

4. If you have something to do, do the hardest thing first and get it off your desk.

5. Find the joy! Why be miserable all the time?!

6. If you’re around long enough, you accept that change is the only thing we can count on and learn not to be so afraid of it.

7. We can choose how to think, and that’s the greatest give of all.

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

1) Look at your list of things you need/want to accomplish and pick the hardest one. Preferably one that will create change in your life, that makes you feel uncomfortable. Or if you are facing a challenging time, this also applies.

2) Write down all the positive things that doing this will create for you.

3) Write down your biggest fears of what may happen.

4) Accept that all are possible. Take a deep breath, and say, “I have got this.” 

5) Along the way, every day write down three things that you are grateful for in your life. When we focus on what’s good, it affects our thoughts, which affects our behavior, which affects our results. Remember: we get to choose our thoughts!


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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