Do You Listen With Your Whole Face?

Today I’m talking about what I believe is quickly becoming a lost art: Listening. I think it’s also the biggest gift we can give someone else. When we aren’t truly listening, it means that the person who is trying share something with us is likely not feeling heard. Feeling heard, is one of the most universal human needs, and when that need is not met on a consistent basis, it just doesn’t lead to anything good!

Whether we’re 5 or 85 we want to feel that someone is listening to us. Do you always ‘listen’ with your head down in your phone? While watching TV? In this episode I share some stories that might just make you never want to do that again. It may also change the way you look at listening forever. I hope you’ll listen. (See what I did there?!)

Not be missed take-ways:

1. No matter what age we are, we all need to feel heard and that someone cares enough to take the time to listen to us.

2. You can ‘hear’ someone, and not be truly listening.

3. If you know you want to talk about something that requires more attention from someone, say so, and pick a mutually good time to make it possible!

4. Life goes fast. Take the time to realize life while we have the gift of living it.

5. Listen with your whole face. It could change your relationships. It could change your life, and the lives of those you say you love. It could save lives. It could even change the world!

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

1) If you feel that someone isn’t hearing you, isn’t taking the time to listen to you, tell them. Tell them how it makes you feel and offer a solution.

2) The next time you’re in the middle of something (and it’s not terribly crucial), if someone you love or care about is trying to tell you something, stop what you’re doing, look at them, and listen.

3) Listen with your whole face. You never know when it may be the last time you can.


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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