Finding Answers Where We’d Least Expect

The path to getting older is oh so interesting, isn’t it? As we grow older we accumulate some wisdom along the way, which can be cleverly disguised as heartbreak, loss, pain, disappointment, sadness, embarrassment, hurt or growing pains. So, if we get wiser as we get older, why do so many of us, so often, look outside ourselves for the answers? Perhaps they’re in a place inside us where we’d least expect!

In this episode, we experiment with a different way of discovering wisdom to find answers, feel emotionally safe, loved, and heard. And when you listen, you’ll see why this exact picture above is here. Please join me, and I’d love to hear how it worked for you!

Not be missed take-ways:

1. Embrace where you are in life. Feel gratitude for whatever age you are.

2. Acknowledge and enjoy the benefits of being the age you are.

3. Wisdom can be cleverly disguised as heartbreak, loss, pain, disappointment, sadness, embarrassment, hurt, or growing pains.

4. We are older and wiser.

5. Remember that while we have wisdom from years lived, we also have wisdom that we may have forgotten about that we can retrieve from the young person we carry with us.

6. We can learn from our younger selves!

7. It’s super important to stay in touch with the little person who is still inside of us.

8. It’s important to listen to them, take care of them. Make the time.

9. Remember that you are loved and you are ok.

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

1) Make the time every so often to check in with 7-10 year-old you. Get in a quiet place, see them, let them see you, and go listen to them on that bench. You can have the bench be wherever you want. The beach, a place that you felt safe as a child, where you have fond memories. Just do it.

2) Tell her what you need to say. Ask her questions. Listen to her. Feel connected. Feel loved.

3) Post a picture of you around this age on FB or IG @lovinglaterlifepodcast so we can see your younger self!


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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