Sometimes You Can Choose Your Hard

Hard times and hard choices are hard for most of us to avoid. We must hear, see and feel things that are hard for us, and find a way to navigate through, as that is the way to the other side. Very often, we have no choice and then, there are times, we can choose our hard. Get divorced or stay together; live with the high cost of living, or move; stay friends with someone, or let them go; be vulnerable with others, or keep to ourselves. Come with me as I share some of my own personal hard choices, recognizing the ‘hards’ some of us don’t get to choose, and remembering that no matter what, we will always have the choice of how we look at and respond to a situation to make the best choice possible.

The Not to be Missed Take-Aways:

1. There are probably more hards than easies in life.

2. Life can be difficult AND we get to decide how we look at it, AND how we respond to it. All are true.

3. Some people don’t have the privilege of having the opportunity to choose their hard.

4. We should all be able to have a choice—except if the choice is selfish and irresponsible and hurts others, like choosing to drive drunk, or when we’re in a major health crisis when their choice can literally kill people.

5. Who we choose to spend our precious time with can be a hard choice, even when it’s the right one.

6. The good news is, sometimes we get to choose our hard.

7. All you can do is make the best choice you can at the time.