The Magical Experience That Inspired Me to Spring Clean Those Who No Longer Fit

This episode is very important for all of us. Please join me as I share the personal moments and revelations I had one night about the people in my life.  

I was at the surprise engagement party my son made for his partner. And that wasn’t the only surprise. I unexpectedly re-discovered how good it feels to be amongst people who are accepting, loving, genuine, supportive and kind. I felt a vibrational match with this group of amazing humans that I have not yet felt in this season of my life.

Just a few days later I was reminded that according to a study done by the Harvard Study of Adult Development, the single best decision you can make to improve your health and happiness is to cultivate warm relationships. These are the people who make you feel warm and fuzzy; and safe.

And then I heard a recording from Oprah where she said, “We are responsible for the energy that we allow to be brought into our space. You cannot move forward in your life to the level you want if you allow people in your space who are not supportive of you.”

This all could not have been timelier for me. I’m confident it will impact you as well. 

Not be missed take-ways:

1. You can’t get to the level in life that you want when you are with people who suck the energy from you. …Oprah

2. Whatever your energy level is, those are the people you will attract and feel a vibrational match with. It’s like a magnet.

3. A study that was done by the Harvard Study of Adult Development showed that good relationships make you happier and healthier, and that the single best decision you can make to improve your health and happiness is to cultivate warm relationships.

4. Also from that study, it is proven that warm connected relationships protect us from the stress in life.

5. The cold relationships, put you on edge and drain your energy. Research shows that spending time with these ‘cold’ people can make you feel lonelier and worsen your health.

6. You’ve got to love yourself enough to spring clean those who are no longer are a fit. Vibrate with pride at the level that you want to show up in your life, and you will find those warm relationships who will match with you and improve your health and happiness.

7. Let your light shine bright. It is your life to live. And it’s never too late to start!

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

1) I’m stealing this from Mel Robbins, just putting it in my words. Think of the people in your life and make a list. Those with both leading and supporting roles. Next to their name put Warm for those who make you feel safe, warm and fuzzy; or Cold for those that put you on edge and/or drain your energy.

2) If they have Cold next to their name, you know what to do if you want to move forward in your life to the level you want, and to healthier and happier.


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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