

How My Son’s Surgery to Remove a Tumor Confirmed…

How My Son’s Surgery to Remove a Tumor Confirmed
We Can Learn From the Younger Generation

In this episode you will hear how my son’s mindset, humor and radical acceptance got him through not one but two potential life threatening events. I actually considered dropping the idea entirely of staying on schedule for this episode simply because I wasn’t able to have one prepared as my focus has not been on loving later life…literally.

However, I think that on some level I knew I would feel the need to debrief after this experience…even if it meant it wasn’t as perfect as I could make it. I think I also knew on some level that there would be some important take-away’s that I would want to share with you since we all at some point or another go through difficult times.

I deeply believe that sharing our stories and vulnerabilities opens the door for others to do the same. Please join me.

Not be missed take-ways:

  1. Ageism works both ways, and it is equally wrong.

  2. Though we often can’t control a situation we are facing, we can accept it and we CAN control how we look at it, and what we do with it.

  3. It takes pushing to make a tree strong enough to keep growing.

  4. It was not in spite of the adversity they survive, but it is because of it, that they thrive. We can turn adversity into something beautiful and wonderful.

  5. Sharing our stories and vulnerabilities opens the door for others to do the same.

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

Join me in working on accepting the things we cannot change with the mindset that we can do what we need to do when we need to do it. Acknowledge and fully embrace all the goodness that there is and make the very most of it. Love, allow love in, and search out those who lift you up and appreciate you for who you are.

Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!

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Turning 64; Sharing My Thoughts & Intentions For You…

Turning 64; Sharing My Thoughts & Intentions For You to Consider

In this episode I share some of my very own, very personal thoughts I wrote on the day of my birthday at the end of January.

Why did I decide to share them? Because I believe that much of what we feel is shared by so many and that we can feel more connected and supported by sharing. And maybe even glean things from each other.

So, I’m going first. I hope you’ll listen and share so that more of us in later life can connect and learn and grow together!

Not be missed take-ways:

  1. Remind yourself of what you are grateful for.

  2. Be truthful to yourself. Staying present with yourself and trust yourself.

  3. Be more aware of what you’re focusing on.

  4. Pay attention to when you’re focusing on the darker side is key.

  5. Notice it and accept what you’re feeling in that moment. Fighting against it is a losing battle.

  6. Be present with what you are feeling.

  7. Running from the feelings by staying super busy or eating or drinking etc.will not help. And nothing will change.

  8. Take the time to be proud of you.

  9. Believe in yourself, encourage yourself, because nobody’s got to believe it but you!

  10. It’s just so damn important to be you. Do you. Because when you are, anything incredible is possible.

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

Think about writing down some intentions on how you can be more authentically you, without worrying about what anyone else may think of you!

Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!

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Last but not least: If you’d like to know more about having Nancy as a private coach, click here!

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Alison Armstrong; Thought Leader, Speaker, Author: Understanding Men, Women…

Alison Armstrong, Expert in Human Behavior: Understanding Men, Women and Relationships

I am so excited for you to hear this episode, which is a full circle moment for me. Alison Armstrong is my guest. I took Alison’s series of workshops in 2006 for several years, and she changed how I looked at men and at relationships. Little did I know that one day I would have the honor of having her as my guest on my podcast almost 20 years later!

Alison is a true expert in human behavior. In 1991 she began to study men to find out how she was bringing out the worst in them. Her success in understanding men led her to studying women’s behavior and making vital connections between the two.

Bottom line dear Loving Later Life listeners: she will shock and surprise you with what she says about dating, sex, her own experience of losing her incredible husband in 2019, her current relationship, and how both men and women behave in ways that contradict and undermine our own purposes, goals, values, needs and relationships.

Not be missed take-ways:

  1. Alison teaches men and women how to understand and appreciate and partner with men and women.

  2. When on a date, lead with what’s true about yourself that isn’t likely to change and would be, what could scare someone off. Tell the truth.

  3. Most men find security in being productive which is why trust and respect are huge for them.

  4. Most women experience being safe by feeling connected. Interest and attention is a woman’s access to being connected.

  5. Men default to privacy. One question makes an interrogation for them.

  6. Women think men aren’t interested because they don’t ask questions, and that’s because many men think questions are rude.

  7. When deciding to meet someone new, if you express your needs ie: when you are able to meet them and they push back in any way: The End. Don’t go to meet them. It’s a sign they’ll keep doing what they think is the right thing to do without consideration of you expressing what you need.

  8. Many people only honor the needs and desires that make sense to them. True honoring is trying to see if you can meet the other person’s needs.

  9. If they think it’s controlling when you say what matters to you: The End.

  10. Tell someone what your deal breakers are before you meet them because that’s when you care the least about what they think about you. Be loyal to yourself.

  11. Expectations are like bunny rabbits. They breed more expectations.

  12. We have to create our own enough.

  13. In a relationship, do they honor what you need? Have you told them, and are you getting enough? And if you’re not, have you asked?

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

Check out Alison’s workshops and all she has to offer at:

Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!

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Last but not least: If you’d like to know more about having Nancy as a private coach, click here!

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How Good Are You Willing to Let Life Get?

How Good Are You Willing to Let Life Get?

How good are you willing to let life get? (Apparently WordPress isn’t willing to let this page be as good as it can be because it won’t load the picture I chose for this page!! Technology!…but I found a workaround…!)

The idea for this episode came in a moment when I felt a weird combination of that feeling of the first day of school after summer vacay and beginning a new year. A new year that has challenges which are carrying over from the previous year….both on a personal and global level.

I turned, as I often do, to music. This time specifically to a song that began going through my head, as one often does, to show me what is going on in my subconscious.

As the train of thoughts ran on full speed, I had an epiphany.
Please come with me as I share what it is, how it led to this episode and an idea for an alternative to a new year’s resolution.


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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Karen Cheong International Transformational Speaker: How Frequency Work Can…

Karen Cheong International Transformational Speaker:

How Frequency Work Can Change Your Life!

Karen Cheong is an international transformational speaker, writer, champion for self-empowerment and healer who has worked with thousands of people worldwide. 

After a health crisis in her early 20s catalyzed her spiritual journey, she was driven by curiosity to explore the mystical and energetic systems that govern our experience—of ourselves, of others, and of life itself.

Karen felt like something was missing—and that is when what she refers to as “frequency work” discovered her. By intensively releasing unconscious blocks she calls distortion patterns, she transformed not only the way her life looked, but the way her life felt. Momentum really started kicking in and life became so much richer, so much fuller and so much more expansive.

Today Karen guides others helping them to start to experience the true richness of life, embrace their power as the intentional co-creator of their reality and develop a deep connection to the Divine within. By providing step by step tools to self-realization and releasing their distortion patterns at frequency level, her clients are able to rewrite their “spiritual blueprint” truly living in the abundance of the present moment.

Please join us, as Karen shares how frequency work can change our lives.

Not be missed take-ways:

1. The level of frequency is where everything originates. What your possibilities are, what your life looks like, how you experience opportunity, how you feel about your life… exists first at the frequency level, and your physical reality mirrors that.

2. The sphere of pure source energy has a specific rate of vibration which makes you, you. It drops into embodiment and has to drop in vibration to become form. Then what looks like layers of duct tape form around the sphere, which causes the vibration to slow. Layers of the duct tape are a metaphor for distortion patterns.

3. Distortion patterns are unconscious blocks that keep you from experiencing the true potential of who you are.

4. Distortion patterns are caused by things like your lineage, or your ancestors etc. What they experienced very much affects who you are and the choices you make.

5. Epigenetics is starting to show that what your ancestors experienced very much impacts how your genes show up.

6. When you release the layers of the duct tape the spheres of pure source energy can speed up again. Now there are more possibilities and opportunities open to you.

7. When you release the distortion patterns your vibrational level rises and opportunities and possibilities open themselves up to you. Synchronicities and collaborations start to happen that you didn’t expect. Thoughts you didn’t have, new emotions open and that’s why things start to change.

8. You are the co-creator of your life. When you change the distortion pattern that causes the story you tell yourself, your story changes.

9. As you rise in your frequency resonance you start to find who you truly are. You strip away all of the story, all the conditioning.

10. Women become more powerful as we age. What keeps us less powerful is because we have the strong story in our culture that as you age you are less valuable and only youth and being desirable as a female is what gives you power. It doesn’t. Wisdom gives you power and recognizing your own authority. We chase the youth because that’s what’s shown to us as a powerful thing.

11. When you recognize that who you are has value inherently and someone can be helped by your being-ness, everything changes and you stop having to prove yourself.

12. Be aware of your own authority and your power. Don’t give it away.

13. You can learn all kinds of ways to manifest, but if you have distortion patterns running, it’s hard to manifest clearly.

14. Be aware of the stories that you take in as true for you because you are co-creating your life. You have authority over it. Don’t give it away because it’s yours. It’s your life. You get to create it.

15. Don’t sell yourself short. Follow your knowingness of what feels true to you, and what inspires and calls to you.

16. If you’re acting from fear that’s from your mind. The calling of you from a higher resonance; that’s what calls you. It doesn’t matter how old you are. It’s about having that courage to follow that calling.

17. It’s ok if you fall down because you’ll just pick yourself up and keep going.

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

Stay open and consider looking into what Karen has to offer!



Free online workshop & meditation on how to quiet your mind

Ebook, audio book + 15 minute morning meditation to start your day off in the highest frequency resonance (value $55).
Free with coupon: LATERLIFE

Vlog/podcast “Mastering Your World Through Frequencies” which is free and has a specific GFC meditation (which is how you receive frequency work) at the end of every episode:


Instagram: Spherical_Luminosity


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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Last but not least: If you’d like to know more about having Nancy as a private coach, click here!



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Is There a Secret to Finding Love After 60?

Is There a Secret to Finding Love After 60?

Is there a secret to finding love after 60? 

Join me in this final wrap-up of the Golden, well perhaps slightly tarnished Golden Bachelor, plus another kind of rap I created that tells the story of my most recent bachelor adventure.

Lastly, a comment or two on a big feature in the Wall Street Journal entitled “The Secret to Finding Love After 60,” which led me to discover and create what possibly could be actual secrets. Hint: They’re hidden in the downsides.

Please join me on this journey as we take another crack at understanding that intangible thing we call love, in later life.


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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Last but not least: If you’d like to know more about having Nancy as a private coach, click here!



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My Gynecologist Dr. Stephanie McClellan Answers Our Questions &…

My Gynecologist Dr. Stephanie McClellan
Answers Our Questions
& Some Will Surprise You!

Welcome back to a very special episode of Loving Later Life!

Today, I have an incredibly special guest joining us! My Gynecologist Dr. Stephanie McClellan published author, advocator and creator of innovative care models for women answers our questions! 

Dr. McClellan has a 30+ year career as a practicing, board certified OBGYN advocating and caring for the needs of women while integrating the world of research and academia with frontline care delivery.

Trained at the University of Southern California, she quickly began creating innovative care models for women as she founded the Doctor’s Office for Women in Orange County, CA in 1987. Dr. McClellan practiced in this setting for 17 years, before starting another private practice bearing her name in 2004.

As a result of the success of the Doctor’s Office for Women model, she collaborated with Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian in Newport Beach, CA to design and develop a premier women’s healthcare program.

Her evolving interest in good health and vibrant aging led to co-authoring a book on the science and clinic effects of chronic stress published by Simon & Schuster called “So Stressed: The Ultimate Stress Relief Plan for Women”.

Recently Dr. McClellan served as the Chief Medical Officer of Tia, and the first practicing OB/GYN at Tia’s NYC Clinic — an outpatient gynecology, primary care and wellness practice.

Following Tia she served as Co-Founder and CMO for another growing tech-driven, women’s health start-up, Plenish.

Dr. McClellan continues to see patients in her private practice, while serving as a consultant and Medical Advisor for companies across the country. She is sought-after on both the speaking and consulting circuits for her expertise in women’s health, hormone therapy and menopause.

And, last but not least, she is my very own gynecologist! You are going to learn so much and also be very surprised by some of what she has to say! Let’s get to it!

Not be missed take-ways:

1- Do older women need a Pap smear every year? Some do and some don’t. It depends on many factors. Listen to hear why.

2- Either pick a gynecologist who has integrated thinking and training, or you find an internist who thinks this way because if push comes to shove you’re better off with a smart internist because you can always go to a gynecologist for a Pap smear.

3- The final journey from reproductive hormone levels to post reproductive hormone withdrawal is more than hot flashes.

4- Mood changes, contextual memory changes, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, social phobia, ringing in the ear, weight gain, sleep disturbance, brain fog, and of course hot flashes are some of the symptoms of menopause.

5- One area that has been grossly under-discussed and understudied is the effect of menopause on the microbiome.

6- The less that you eat foods that you don’t make, the better. She’s convinced that much if not nearly all the chronic illnesses that we’re dealing with, centers around a disrupted and malfunctioning micro biome in the gut.

7- Women who are using HRT in their 50’s to early 60’s have a have a lower death rate from all-cause mortality including breast cancer.

8- Women in their early menopause transition should consider hormone therapy unless they have a specific contraindication to using it.

9- The earlier in the menopause transitioning you start HRT, the better. What we don’t know is, is there an end point. Sometimes there is no reason to stop, but instead slowly reduce the dose.

10- Health and vitality foundationally center around social connectedness, friendship and faith. Faith matters. Communing has been shown to have anti-inflammatory messaging from brain to body, it allows for cellular repair, creates a sense of empathy and one with community as opposed to isolation and loneliness.

11- Sleep, following social connectedness, is second most important. Followed by nutrition and exercise. And then, medication.

12- Very few chronic diseases are the result of simple inherited genetics.

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

If you have more questions for Dr. McClellan, please send  them to me at so that we can have her back to answer them!


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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Also: If you have a story you’d like to share for the podcast or have questions or comments for Nancy email

Last but not least: If you’d like to know more about having Nancy as a private coach, click here!



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More on the Golden Bachelor and Nancy’s Not So…

More on the Golden Bachelor
and Nancy’s Not So Golden Dating Updates

Welcome back to the 60th episode of Loving Later Life! 60! And this was recorded hot off the press after the airing of the most recent Golden Bachelor.

But first, before I share the spoiler alert (if you haven’t seen Thursday’s episode be warned!) and my observations about our Golden Guy Gerry and the ladies, I have my own not-so-golden updates to share with you!

The messages, the date that never actually happened because I am strengthening my boundary lines muscles and not tolerating shit I don’t need to tolerate!

All of the above inspired me to share a quote from Brene Brown that ties this all together. 

I hope you’ll come with me!


It’s Not Too Late to Find Your Passion, Cathi…

It’s Not Too Late to Find Your Passion
Cathi Colas Did at Age 53

My special guest in this episode of Loving Later Life is Cathi Colas.

Costco magazine did a cover story on 2nd chapters of life. It was about people, as they said, had one thing in common: a mindset open to opportunity.

Cathi was one of those people featured. So, because I’m a lifelong proponent of the “it never hurts to ask” club, I looked her up and reached out to her asking if she’d join us on Loving Later Life!

I am very happy to report that she said yes. Cathi has done many things in her life but it wasn’t until about 8 years ago that she found what lights her up. And then she made it a reality.

Cathi is a professional Audiobook Narrator, Coach, and Voice Actress. She currently has over 60 audiobooks on Audible that include everything from Self-Help to Horror. She also has many notable voiceover credits on TV and video games.

I hope you’ll join our conversation because you will be inspired by her journey to finally finding her passion and purpose in later life. And then we went even deeper about what keeps us from believing, trying, seeking, and doing anything that may give us joy in this chapter of our lives. Don’t miss this!

Not be missed take-ways:

1. Just jump in. Do it messy. Done is better than perfect.

2. Overthinking = Doing nothing.

3. No one really gives a shit unless you affect them.

4. Trust the process. Keep exploring. Stay open.

5. Be aware of the old stories you tell yourself.

6. Your passions may not be what you expect them to be.

7. Don’t be attached to a specific outcome or you could miss other possibilities.

8. Let go of the need to control. We really don’t have any anyway.

9. Stay present. Trust yourself and your knowing.

10. Life changes in the blink of an eye. Don’t wait. Jump in.

11. Stop saying you can’t. You can do it.


You can find out more about Cathi at her website:

Or hear her podcast of audiobooks she’s narrated episodically at Cathi Colas Audio Books.

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

If you are feeling that you haven’t yet found what lights you up, or you want to find a new thing that does, look at it as a fun adventure (which it can be if you let it) and start exploring, and trying new things. Jump. In.


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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It’d be great if you would like Loving Later Life on Facebook and Instagram!

Also: If you have a story you’d like to share for the podcast or have questions or comments for Nancy email

Last but not least: If you’d like to know more about having Nancy as a private coach, click here!



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First Golden Bachelor Review & Update on My Dating…

First Golden Bachelor Review & Update on My Dating Adventures

With all that is going on in the world right now I was second guessing whether doing an episode on dating and all the comedic aspects of the process is somehow disrespectful or tone deaf.

However, as I thought about it a bit more, I remembered that we can feel sad, we can feel scared, and we can feel joy and still laugh. 

So, this episode is what the title says! My first Golden Bachelor review with some of my thoughts and observations. Then, I have an update for you on a few of the experiences I have had thus far in the dating pond, and the frogs in said pond who I absolutely did not kiss!

If you could use a fun distraction, I hope you’ll join me! And if you know someone who would enjoy this, or any episode, please share!


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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Also: If you have a story you’d like to share for the podcast or have questions or comments for Nancy email

Last but not least: If you’d like to know more about having Nancy as a private coach, click here!



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