

Don’t Get Bugs in Your Eyes…You Need To Know…

Don’t Get “Bugs In Your Eyes”…
You Need to Know What This Means

Welcome back to Loving Later Life!

I think I mentioned to you that there will be times when I want to share some of my previously published articles, or portions of them. As I peruse these older pieces, they are giving me a little insight into what I was going through at the time. In a way they’re kind of like reading my diary, only they were published!

The article I wrote that I’m going to read you in this episode coincides with the idea that we all need one another; not only at this time of year, but all the year round. This point is driven home (another pun intended which you’ll understand once you listen) in a TV show I was watching some years ago, using an analogy with the help of a term that bikers use. It’s very powerful, and I hope you’ll come with me on this road trip as I am certain it will have an impact.

Not be missed take-ways:

1. If you keep a diary or journal, show yourself compassion when re-reading it. Acknowledge and appreciate where you were at that time of your life.

2. Social relationships are as important to our health as diet and exercise, and what matters most is the quality of the bonds, not the origin. It doesn’t matter if they are relatives, what matters most is that the bonds are stable and positive.

3. You can’t always be the lead hog. When we ride, we ride in formation. We trade out the lead, because if you stay in the front of the pack for too long, you get bugs in your eyes … You need to let other people help you. It doesn’t make you any less of a rider.

4. From Margaret J. Wheatley: “Everything in the universe only exists because it is in relationship to everything else. Nothing exists in isolation. We have to stop pretending we are individuals that can go it alone.

5. Don’t get bugs in your eyes. Choose who you want riding alongside you, let them help you when you need it, and have a fucking good time.

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

1) Make space for some quite time and take a look inside. Are you trying to do it all yourself? Have you closed yourself off to letting people be there for you? If so, and you could use some support, ask for it.

2) Look at who is in your ‘village’ now. Do they align with who you are now? If not, ask yourself if you want to do something about that.

3) Take the next right step to making the changes that will provide you with a village of people who will love and support you for who you are now, and let them be there for you.


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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Dr. Liz Lyster OBGYN Debunks Beliefs About Hormone Therapy,…

Dr. Liz Lyster OBGYN Debunks Beliefs About Hormone Therapy, Menopause, Libido and More!

Loving Later Lifer’s, you are going to be so glad you listened today! Do you have questions about Hormone Replacement Therapy? Libido? Menopause? The answers are going to surprise you! Dr. Liz Lyster OBGYN debunks beliefs about hormone therapy, menopause, libido and more. 

My guest, Dr. Liz Lyster, is a Board Certified OB/GYN doctor for over 30 years, Cornell grad with honors, attended medical school at University of California, Irvine, followed by her OB/GYN residency in Los Angeles. She also went on to get a Masters of Public Health degree from UCLA in Community Health Education.

Dr. Liz is also a hormone consultant/midlife health expert. She has helped women and men increase energy, reignite their sex drive, clear up hormonal imbalance, and lose hundreds of pounds. She is the author of several books, including “Dr. Liz’s Easy Guide to Menopause: 5 Simple Steps to Balancing Your Hormones and Feeling Like Yourself Again” and the International Bestseller “Go for GREAT: Dr. Liz’s Guide to Thrive at Every Age.” Dr. Liz is currently in Private Practice in the San Francisco Bay Area.

In our conversation she debunks beliefs about hormone therapy, later life libido, and provides invaluable information that will help us be our own advocate. This is a must listen. So let’s get started…oh and I do get started with a bit of a blooper, but I decided not to edit it out. I’m not here to be perfect!

Not be missed take-ways:

1. It’s ok to start with a blooper!

2. Dr. Liz likes to call Hormone Replacement Therapy: Hormone Replenishment Therapy.

3. The correct types of hormones are not only safe but are beneficial to our health and lower our risk of dying, cancer and more.

4. The WHI: Women’s Health Initiative, the study that came out in 2002 that got everyone thinking that hormones increase the risk of breast cancer, used the wrong types of hormones, and in the wrong way.

5. There was a study done that looked at the average delay between the publication of information and now long until doctor’s start using the information and they found an average delay of 17 years.

6. Libido isn’t only about sex. It’s about motivation, drive….a lot of things have to be in place to have a good libido.

7. It is a myth that it’s inevitable that your libido goes down as you get older.

8. Signs of menopause…

9. There is a higher mortality rate from hip fracture than there is from breast cancer.

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

1) Be your own advocate. Ask questions. Listen to your body, and take the time to find the right doctor for you.

2) Share this episode!

To find Dr. Liz and read more about what she is doing:






Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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An Unplanned Post-Holiday Stream of Consciousness At The Beach

An Unplanned Post-Holiday Stream of Consciousness at the Beach

This episode was not the one I had planned for today/this week. It is an unplanned post-holiday stream of consciousness at the beach.

I took myself to my happy place this past weekend overlooking the ocean. As I sat there enveloped by the warmth of the sun, the colors of the flowers surrounding my bench, and the sound of the waves, I was inspired to open voice memo and share what came from my heart in that moment. What came out was a ten-minute stream of consciousness that I found helpful to release and perhaps there will be something you will glean from it as well.

It’s raw, unplanned, unorganized; just me and my thoughts. I hope you’ll join me.

Not be missed take-ways:

1. Be present without the need of an outcome.

2. Let your thoughts come without judging them.

3. Get off the couch and stretch your body, your mind, and your limitations.

4. If we focus on the yuckyness in our lives, that’s all we’ll see.

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

1) Take yourself to a happy place and let your thoughts soar.


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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Vanessa Loder: The Soul Solution, A Guide for brilliant,…

Vanessa Loder: The Soul Solution

A Guide for Brilliant Overwhelmed Women to Quiet the Noise, Find Their Superpower & Finally Feel Satisfied

How do you hear the whispers of your soul? What are energetic breadcrumbs? How do you quiet your inner critic? What limits you? My guest this week, Vanessa Loder, earned her MBA at Stanford where she graduated Summa Cum Laude and climbed to the top of the ladder of a corporate career in finance and private equity…only it was the wrong ladder.

She learned to listen to her soul whispers and is now a successful and satisfied Executive Coach and keynote speaker who has been featured in Forbes, Glamour and Huffington Post among others. Her TEDx talk “How to Lean In Without Burning Out” has over 156,000 views, and she authored her newly released book, The Soul Solution: A Guide for brilliant, overwhelmed women to quiet the noise, find their superpower, and finally feel satisfied!

Please join us! We had so much fun talking about all the above, in addition to how past-life regression therapy can be an incredible tool in providing radical transformation, how to find your most fulfilling life, and she reminds us that we’re never too old. Vanessa also very vulnerably shares how her growth has affected her marriage, and how we have to be willing to look at the darkness to get to the light that’s on the other side…and much more.

Not be missed take-ways:

1. When one door closes, another opens, but the hallways are a bitch!

2. Be aware of your energetic breadcrumbs: moments that make you feel awake and alive. Pay attention to what lights you up.

3. For self-compassion, write what you’d say to your best friend, and then imagine them saying exactly that to you, and then it can land.

4. It’s not too late. You have the ability to radically change your reality if that’s what you want.

5. You have to be willing to look at the darkness to get to the light that’s on the other side.

6. Self-compassion increases our will power and our resilience.

7. Past-life regression as a modality can provide radical transformation.

8. Per Brian Weiss, psychiatrist, hypnotherapist, and author who specializes in past life regression says we have both a soul and an ego. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

To get Vanessa’s book and see all that she is doing go to:


And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

1) If you feel that you are climbing the wrong ladder, whether it’s a relationship that isn’t right for you, work that you’re doing, or what you’re not doing, stop. Pay attention to those soul whispers.

2) Journal, talk to a coach, therapist or trusted friend and then come up with the next right thing you can do to get on the right ladder!

3) Write me! and share your story so you can also help others.

4) Please remember: It. Is. Not. Too. Late!


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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Holidays, Health Hazards of Feeling Alone, and a Remedy…

Holidays, Health Hazards of Feeling Alone, and a Remedy I Hope You’ll Try

The number of laps around the track leading up to the holidays seem to be fewer and fewer, have you noticed?! I wouldn’t be surprised if we started seeing pumpkins in June! 

I recently went out on a Friday night, and it was a beautiful Fall crisp evening that felt like I was in a Hallmark movie; until I saw the Christmas trees!

In this episode I whimsically share my thoughts in a rhyming way about the sights and sounds of the holidays showing up in summer; some statistics of the health hazards that come with a lack of socialization and feeling alone; and a remedy right out of the gate for a new perspective. I wonder if you will be able to spot my subtle hints here once you listen to this episode. Please, join me on this ride!

Not be missed take-ways:

1. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, loneliness and isolation can lead to serious health challenges if left unresolved, such as:

• Increased rates of anxiety, suicide and depression
• Four times the risk of premature death
• 50% increase in dementia
• 29% increase in heart disease
• 32% increase in stroke

2. The Lancet Healthy Longevity says that tackling social isolation could prevent 4 % of the dementia cases worldwide!

3. “Loneliness has the same impact on mortality as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, making it even more dangerous than obesity.”

4. Remember, there must be a pony in there somewhere!

5. Necessity is the mother of invention. I hope you’ll join me on Saturday, November 26th at 10:00am PST.

6. Write me at to let me know if you would like to join me!

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

1) If you are feeling lonely, or simply missing having more female connections, do something about it! Our health is at stake.

2) Join me on Saturday November 26th if you’re not sure where to start!

3) Again, write me!


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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Also: If you have a story you’d like to share for the podcast or have questions or comments for Nancy email

Last but not least: If you’d like to know more about having Nancy as a private coach, click here!



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Medicare: Let’s Break it Down!

Medicare: Let’s Break it Down!

Medicare: Let’s Break it Down! Before I launched Loving Later Life I asked many women 50-60+ what kinds of topics they’d like me to talk about, and one that kept cropping up was Medicare. Please have someone on your podcast who can make it easier to understand was the consensus. Welcome: Stephanie Frisch.

Stephanie Frisch is a Medicare Options Specialist, and she is here to help make Medicare less confusing! Yes, it is possible! Stephanie is now 56 and got licensed in insurance on her 40th birthday. She started specializing in Medicare in 2010, gave many talks for large insurance companies for 8 years, and did Medicare presentations for various assisted living facilities for 10 years until the Covid pandemic.

Stephanie lives with her husband in San Juan Capistrano California where she also has an office and a client base of over 1500 people. She has published articles both in a local magazine and newspapers to help people understand Medicare. She has been involved with many non-profit organizations, served on several boards, and is a member of the San Juan Capistrano Rotary fulfilling her desire to serve her community.

Her website is and her email is: .

Not be missed take-ways:

1. Medicare can be very overwhelming. There were even more take-aways than these 12 so you may want to listen to this more than once!

2. If you’re still working, you don’t need to go on Medicare if you have large group insurance. Keep that until you retire because if you make a certain amount of income, you’ll pay more for Medicare. (Listen for more details)

3. The only time someone will be automatically enrolled in Medicare is if they’re taking Social Security early.

4. Medicare covers 80% of your medical expenses. To cover the balance, you want to find someone like Stephanie to figure out what’s best for you, whether it’s a Medicare Advantage Plan or a supplement to suck up the 20% that Medicare doesn’t cover.

5. There are lots of potential penalties if you don’t sign up for certain things on time; some of which stay with you for the rest of your life.

6. Anything that starts with the word routine, Medicare doesn’t cover.

7. The worst thing you can do is to try and figure this out on your own. Getting help from someone like Stephanie is at no cost to you.

8. Never call on promotional commercials for the Medicare Advantage Plans. They won’t offer everything for everyone’s specific needs.

9. Three months before you turn 65 is your initial enrollment period. That’s when you create our account on and that’s when you apply for Medicare to get your card and number…

10. Not to be confused with annual enrollment period which is only for people who are already Medicare beneficiaries.

11. Find out about special election periods.

12. The maximum out of pocket on a Medicare Advantage plan refers to the most that you will pay for medical services in a year. Prescription drug copays are not included in the maximum out of pocket.

13. Prepare for the future as best you can now.

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

1) If you are close to being eligible for Medicare or have it and have questions during this time of open enrollment, seek advice from a Medicare broker, and you can also contact Stephanie.

2) Please share this episode with anyone you feel will benefit from hearing it.

3) If you need to, listen and repeat. I did!!


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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Last but not least: If you’d like to know more about having Nancy as a private coach, click here!



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A Little Bit About Grief + Some Jaw-Dropping Stories…

A Little Bit About Grief + Some Jaw-Dropping Stories of “Hearing” From People Who Have Died

In today’s episode I talk a little bit about grief + some jaw-dropping stories of “hearing” from people who have died.

Grief is not linear, and we all grieve differently and on our own timelines. Brene Brown was asked how long true grief lasts, and her answer was, “As long as it takes.”

I believe that love in a relationship continues once someone is gone and I have witnessed this by receiving what I believe are ‘signs’ from the other side. I share unexplainable events that have happened to me after losing people I love, and also stories from others. Skeptics may think what they want, and I challenge any of them to explain how these things could have happened. We are energy, and our energy doesn’t die.

One of my missions with this podcast is to talk about the stuff people won’t or don’t want to talk about. That’s bound to increase the number of listeners, don’t ya think?! Seriously, let’s talk about all the elephants in the room! Are ya with me?

Not be missed take-ways:

1. Regarding loss: “You don’t move on. You move forward with it. You’re carrying not just the loss, but the love. You are carrying it all inside you.” Nora McInerny

2. Grief is not linear and we all grieve differently on our own timelines.

3. “We live in a culture where people need us to move through our grief for the sake of their own comfort, and grief does not have a timeline. It takes as long as it takes.” Brene Brown

4. We can feel loss and sadness one minute and laugh the next. It is a complex emotion, and we need to let ourselves feel what we feel and not try to force anything either way. Or feel guilt.

5. There is more to life and death than meets the eye…if we are open to seeing and feeling it.

6. If you’re not feeling everything, you’re missing everything.

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

Stay open. Feel your feels. Be compassionate with yourself. Don’t push the river. And lastly, if you have had any experiences like I shared, I’d love to hear from you.


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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Also: If you have a story you’d like to share for the podcast or have questions or comments for Nancy email

Last but not least: If you’d like to know more about having Nancy as a private coach, click here!



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Eugenia Zukerman: Renowned Flutist, CBS Sunday Morning Correspondent &…

Eugenia Zukerman: Renowned Flutist, CBS Sunday Morning Correspondent & Author Talks About Living with Alzheimer’s

78 year-old Eugenia Zukerman is an internationally renowned flutist having played with major orchestras all over the world. The Boston Globe exclaimed, “One of the finest flutists of our time.” She was also the arts correspondent on CBS Sunday Morning for more than 25 years, is a published author, mother, grandmother and wife, where she and her husband Dick Novik make their home in upstate New York.

Eugenia was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in November of 2018. I had the honor of talking with her and her husband Dick who lobs words to Eugenia when she can’t quite grasp them. You will be moved by her courage, her upbeat mindset, and poems from the book she wrote after receiving her diagnosis entitled, “Like Falling Through a Cloud.” Eugenia shares her story openly, happily, and vulnerably. She literally brought me to tears not from sadness, but from her uplifting comforting acceptance and determination to do what brings her joy for as long as she possibly can. Please, join us.

Not be missed take-ways:

1. Staying positive is the key
2. If diagnosed, it’s a must to get to know the services at the Alzheimer’s Association.
3. So many times people want to be fixed, but you need to do it yourself.
4. Do what you can to do what will help you stay positive and bring fulfillment in order to make life as good as it can be.

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

Notice how you look at life. Do you focus more on what’s wrong, or what’s good in your life? Whether we get a scary diagnosis or not, our outlook will determine our experience. We may not all be able to be as positive as Eugenia, AND we can certainly let her be an inspiration…that even under the scariest of times, we can find ways to laugh, and enjoy precious moments. It’s our choice, isn’t it?

Click here to reach the Alzheimer’s Association website.


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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Also: If you have a story you’d like to share for the podcast or have questions or comments for Nancy, email,

Last but not least: If you’d like to know more about having Nancy as a private coach, click here!


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Is It Ok to Talk About Prior Relationships While…

Is It Ok to Talk About Prior Relationships While Dating?

Dating after 50 in later life can have its ‘opportunities.’ Do you think it’s ok to talk about your prior relationships while dating? Apparently, there are many different answers to this question depending on who you ask! What if your date asks you too many questions? Or what if they don’t ask any questions about you at all? Hear how the TV show The View inspired me for this episode. I will be sharing my thoughts in a way that satisfies a couple of my fantasies, so I hope you’ll take a little time to enjoy my view! Come join me!!

Not be missed take-ways:

1. Without knowing about someone’s history, including prior relationships, it’s harder to get to know who a person really is.

2. If you feel comfortable sharing something even on a first date, go for it…and pay attention to how it’s received.

3. If they feel what you share is TMI, then perhaps they’re not the person for you.

4. If your date doesn’t want to hear about your previous relationships, I say that’s a big red flag; run don’t walk.

5. Conversely, if they ask what feels like a lot of inappropriate questions on a first date, that can also be a red flag.

6. Annnd, if they ask NO questions about you at all and basically only talk about themselves, also not so good.

7. Just follow your gut and be you.

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

1) Let me know your thoughts. Would it upset you if your partner called his ex the love of their life?

2) Do you think it’s ok for someone to forbid you to talk about prior relationships? Weigh in here, I want to hear what you think!

3) And lastly, don’t forget to share this episode if you liked it, and please rate and review?! Sign also up for my email on or and email me with any topic or guest ideas!


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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It’d be great if you would like Loving Later Life on Facebook and Instagram!

Also: If you have a story you’d like to share for the podcast or have questions or comments for Nancy email

Last but not least: If you’d like to know more about having Nancy as a private coach, click here!



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4 Feelings And A Funeral

4 Feelings And A Funeral

Emotions run at funerals. For some very high, and for some, low…to no emotion at all. For many of us it can cause us to think of our own mortality. What would be said about us, how many or how few people would attend. For some, the reality of the shortness of life is so in your face that they rethink priorities and choices. My emotional experience with this funeral was very varied. I was thinking about it, and I decided that I could categorize most of the feelings into 4 categories.

I hope you’ll come with me while I share what unexpected feelings I experienced (and why) and the realization it gave me about myself and others as we go through this time of our lives.

Not be missed take-ways:

1. How many of us humans show such disrespect of our lives by remaining complacent. Complacent in our relationships, our jobs, our situations…in our lives.

2. I think it’s more hurtful to stay with someone treading the waters of mediocrity, than it is to shake things up and either try to improve things or get the fuck out.

3. We fucking never know when it is our time, so why do we not make choices that will enable us to have a chance to live our best and most fulfilling life?!

4. Take chances! Whether it’s to do what you can to improve your current situation or change it. Just DO SOMETHING!!

5. None of us HAVE to keep things as they are, which is what some people think. We have a choice. Doing nothing is a choice.

6. Will we ever realize that settling can be the most unsettling choice we can make?


And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

1) Choose a situation that you’re unhappy, or frustrated, or sad, about, and do something about it. I’m serious! Go to a therapist or coach, talk to your partner if it involves them…take one step.

2) Take another step, and another, until it either improves or you decide to accept it the way it is or make a change.


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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Also: If you have a story you’d like to share for the podcast or have questions or comments for Nancy, email,

Last but not least: If you’d like to know more about having Nancy as a private coach, click here!


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