
How to Embrace Aging Despite the Media

How to Embrace Aging Despite the Media

Aging. Try and avoid it at all costs. This is basically the message the media tries to convey to women. They sell us on the fact that we are not as beautiful, and not as sexy as we would be if we erased, plumped, lifted, and enhanced our aging selves. They tell us that looking younger is sexier. It’s all about fighting aging instead of embracing it. They drill into our psyche that it’s a bad thing to look older. In an infomercial I saw recently, the main point being rubbed into our brain was that we should us their cream to erase our wrinkles, erase the crepiness in our skin, erase, erase erase. We can embrace aging despite the media.

Please join me as I look at how this can affect our sense of worth and value. In this episode I push my comfort level of vulnerability in sharing some of what has been said and done to me when I have dared to go without make-up and as I have gotten older. Quotes from Maria Shriver and Glennon Doyle help me express my message to all of us women of a certain age: embracing aging can empower us to feel sexy and beautiful while accepting all parts of us. 

Not be missed take-ways:

1. If we are not happy on the inside with ourselves, the applications of creams, makeup, Botox, etc. can give us a lift…so to speak…for sure, but it’s not a permanent lift. A more permanent change needs to come from the inside out.

2. All of our signs of aging tells a story that has meaning, life lessons and the fact that we got through it all. That is something to own, and about which to be so very proud.

3. If we buy into the bullshit that comes from the cosmetic industry, we will never be happy, and will be riding the hamster wheel of attempting to perfect our forehead, our lips, our skin, our boobs, our eyebrows, our chin, our butts, our eyes etc. etc. etc. Where does it end?

4. From Maria Shriver on this topic: “The truth is, we all want someone to see the jewel that is inside of us. We all long to be seen as valuable, no matter how old we are. And we work hard trying to get others to recognize our value, our worth, so often giving them the power to decide if we are, in fact, jewels to be cherished. But that power is actually our own. It’s yours. Don’t give it away.”

5. From moi, Nancy Lang Gibbs, “Let the jewels inside your treasure chest shine, and that is true beauty for anyone to behold!”

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

1) Do you feel as though the invisibility cloak has been thrown on you as you’ve gotten older? Write to me and let me know why you feel this way.

2) I’d like to propose a day, choose any day in the next week, and if you are listening to this at some point in the future, pick a day, and go out without make-up! See how it feels and please write in to share your experience so I can share on the podcast! Even better, send a voice memo so I can play it! And if you don’t know how to do that write me and I’ll help you!

3) Please share this with one person and if they do the same it will help this community grow. Re-post on social media, text or email an episode to someone…any way that’s easy for you to share share share, I would be grateful. (And rate/review if you’re enjoying?)

Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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