
Is Quitting Really a Bad Thing?

Is Quitting Really a Bad Thing?

Is quitting really a bad thing? The definition of quitting has changed over the years, and not in a good way in my opinion. Join me in what may prove to be a controversial after-party discussion.

In this episode I have a lot of fun sharing some of my past experiences living my dream working in television which was made possible because of my decision to quit something else…which was not a popular decision at the time amongst my village of people.

I take an opportunity to shout out to my favorite acting teacher and Casting Director Mark Teschner for whom I will be eternally grateful. I still have my Emmy award winning speech prepared, and still believe that it’s not too late! On that, I am not giving up!

Not be missed take-ways:

1. One path does not fit all.

2. “Winners never quit, and quitters never win…. I call bullshit.

3. Staying with something or someone for the sake of not wanting to ‘be a quitter’ is not a good thing if you are unhappy and not living in alignment with who you are.

4. Sometimes it’s just that we’re allowing ourselves to let go.

5. No one knows what is best for you better than you. Other than talking it through with a good therapist who helps you to see what you already know.

6. While it’s great to have a support system, we ultimately need to count on ourselves to do what is best for us.

7. No matter how old we are, it’s never too late to quit. Quit second guessing yourself. Quit listening to the societal noise. Quit worrying about making the wrong decision. Quit overthinking. Quit putting yourself down. Quit trying to please everyone.

8. To quit or not to quit? That is your answer.

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

If you are trying to decide whether or not to quit or let go of something, someone, or of a situation:

1) Talk with a therapist or coach if you feel the need.

2) Get silent and look within.

3) Consider your options and notice how each one makes you feel. Your instincts will tell you what feels in alignment. Just like when you can feel your body isn’t in alignment and when it is.

4) Whatever you decide, know that you are making the right decision for you at the time, and you will deal with whatever comes next.


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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