
How Good Are You Willing to Let Life Get?

How Good Are You Willing to Let Life Get?

How good are you willing to let life get? (Apparently WordPress isn’t willing to let this page be as good as it can be because it won’t load the picture I chose for this page!! Technology!…but I found a workaround…!)

The idea for this episode came in a moment when I felt a weird combination of that feeling of the first day of school after summer vacay and beginning a new year. A new year that has challenges which are carrying over from the previous year….both on a personal and global level.

I turned, as I often do, to music. This time specifically to a song that began going through my head, as one often does, to show me what is going on in my subconscious.

As the train of thoughts ran on full speed, I had an epiphany.
Please come with me as I share what it is, how it led to this episode and an idea for an alternative to a new year’s resolution.


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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And please…Rate and Review…if you liked it! 😊 A positive rating and review will help other women find us so they can become a part of our community.

It’d be great if you would like Loving Later Life on Facebook and Instagram!

Also: If you have a story you’d like to share for the podcast or have questions or comments for Nancy email nancy@lovinglaterlife.com

Last but not least: If you’d like to know more about having Nancy as a private coach, click here!



If you’d like to advertise with us, email nancy@lovinglaterlife.com


Flying Out of My Comfort Zone

Flying Out of My Comfort Zone

Hey everybody! This is going to be a shorter than the usual not so long episode…and please stay to the end so I can tell you something fun and important.

The reason this is shorter is because I am getting ready for a trip that will be taking me many miles out of my comfort zone. I often talk the talk of how we have to be willing to take a risk or nothing will change; and I try to walk the walk just about every single day. Well, this will not be walking but flying. Literally.

In this episode I share with you where I’m going and why, and why I’m nervous and excited. It is also important to listen to the end so you know what is new and different for next week!

You can listen to the episode by clicking the play bar above or scroll down and click the icon below to where you listen to podcasts, or just click here!

See you there!

Not be missed take-ways and your mission combined!

1. It’s not too late. It is never too late.

2. According to the New England Journal of Medicine: if you are 60, 70 or 80 years old, you are at the best level of your life.

3. Start thinking about what it is that you might like to try, to start, to do or even to think about doing. If you would, please email me some of your thoughts. Do you want to start painting, take dance, write, move your body more, start dating, take a trip…c’mon, I know you’re out there listening!

4. Let me hear from you! Email me at nancy@nancylanggibbs.com or DM me on IG @lovinglaterlifepodcast or FB @lovinglaterlifepodcast

5. Listen until the end to hear something fun and important!


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


Download The First 5 Steps to Loving Later Life

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And please…Rate and Review…if you liked it! 😊 A positive rating and review will help other women find us so they can become a part of our community.

It’d be great if you would like Loving Later Life on Facebook and Instagram!

Also: If you have a story you’d like to share for the podcast or have questions or comments for Nancy email nancy@lovinglaterlife.com

Last but not least: If you’d like to know more about having Nancy as a private coach, click here!



If you’d like to advertise with us, email nancy@lovinglaterlife.com


The Story of How Nancy Faced a Big Fear…

The Story of How Nancy Faced a 

Big Fear and Long-Time Mind-F*ck…

This episode is a follow-up to a story that began in Episode 2 of Loving Later Life. It’s the one about how I reached out to a jazz band about singing with them.

As I was getting my thoughts together about how best to share the experience of what happened, my mind went off on a creative tangent in a very different direction. This episode has turned into something that wasn’t at all planned and I decided why the hell not. So here it is! I’ve had so much fun putting this together and I think it’ll make you smile. Come join me!

Not be missed take-ways:

1. Acknowledge the inner critic’s voice so you can differentiate it from your own.

2. Our happy ending may not look like we expected it to look.

3. Face your fears, let go, and allow yourself to exhale into it and discover what you’re capable of doing.

4. Allow yourself to not be perfect and do it anyway.

5. To hell with what other people think. They won’t be on your death bed with you.

6. Our ego craves certainty, and our soul wants the unknown.

7. Be you. Do you. It. Is. Not. Too. Late…yet.

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

Email me a list of one or more things you have been afraid to do and tell me which one you’re going to take a step to do. Nancy@lovinglaterlife.com.  I’ll be waiting!!!


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


Download The First 5 Steps to Loving Later Life

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And please…Rate and Review…if you liked it! 😊 A positive rating and review will help other women find us so they can become a part of our community.

It’d be great if you would like Loving Later Life on Facebook and Instagram!

Also: If you have a story you’d like to share for the podcast or have questions or comments for Nancy email nancy@lovinglaterlife.com

Last but not least: If you’d like to know more about having Nancy as a private coach, click here!



If you’d like to advertise with us, email nancy@lovinglaterlife.com