
How Can You be Truly Happy? The Answers Are…

How Can You be Truly Happy? The Answers Are Simple…

How can you be truly happy? Loving Later Life listeners: join me as I unpack the steps to what will make you happy (and they’re likely not what you’re expecting) according to Gay Hendricks NYT best-selling author.  

Gay Hendricks is the author of The Genius Zone which picks up from the work in his book, The Big Leap. Learn about what is holding us back and what we can do about it so that we can live a life we love. He explains that it is within all of us to get there. You are in the driver’s seat. It’s up to you. 

If you are serious about enjoying your life, don’t miss this episode.

Not be missed take-ways:

1. We all have fears, and those fears can only be loved away. Hendricks says to let them be, embrace them, let the energy serve you in some way.

2. If there’s something inside that you haven’t dealt with, it’s like driving through life with the break on.

3. The Upper Limit Problem not only prevents happiness, but it actually stops us from achieving our goals. It is the ultimate life roadblock.

4. Being in the Genius zone is doing what you most love to do. This is the biggest leap. It’s doing what you’re uniquely suited to do. What do you love to do?

5. The moment we open up and accept ourselves exactly the way we are; that is the front door to the universe.

6. Starting with 10 minutes a day, ask yourself what do I most love to do. Take 3 easy breaths. Then ask again.

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

I think that taking things in small steps makes accomplishing something less overwhelming. So, for this mission, start by looking inward and be honest with yourself.

1) Write down what fears you have that are holding you back. What is keeping your foot on the break?

2) As you look at your list of fears, think about how you can love them, accept them, acknowledge them and let them be. This is the first hurdle to you living a fulfilling and happy life.

3) Try what he suggested. For 10 minutes a day ask yourself, what do I most love to do. Take 3 easy breaths. Then ask again.

If you have any thoughts on any of this, we’d all love to hear from you! Email me at nancy@nancylanggibbs.com with a voice memo or email.


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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Also: If you have a story you’d like to share for the podcast or have questions or comments for Nancy email nancy@lovinglaterlife.com

Last but not least: If you’d like to know more about having Nancy as a private coach, click here!



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Vanessa Loder: The Soul Solution, A Guide for brilliant,…

Vanessa Loder: The Soul Solution

A Guide for Brilliant Overwhelmed Women to Quiet the Noise, Find Their Superpower & Finally Feel Satisfied

How do you hear the whispers of your soul? What are energetic breadcrumbs? How do you quiet your inner critic? What limits you? My guest this week, Vanessa Loder, earned her MBA at Stanford where she graduated Summa Cum Laude and climbed to the top of the ladder of a corporate career in finance and private equity…only it was the wrong ladder.

She learned to listen to her soul whispers and is now a successful and satisfied Executive Coach and keynote speaker who has been featured in Forbes, Glamour and Huffington Post among others. Her TEDx talk “How to Lean In Without Burning Out” has over 156,000 views, and she authored her newly released book, The Soul Solution: A Guide for brilliant, overwhelmed women to quiet the noise, find their superpower, and finally feel satisfied!

Please join us! We had so much fun talking about all the above, in addition to how past-life regression therapy can be an incredible tool in providing radical transformation, how to find your most fulfilling life, and she reminds us that we’re never too old. Vanessa also very vulnerably shares how her growth has affected her marriage, and how we have to be willing to look at the darkness to get to the light that’s on the other side…and much more.

Not be missed take-ways:

1. When one door closes, another opens, but the hallways are a bitch!

2. Be aware of your energetic breadcrumbs: moments that make you feel awake and alive. Pay attention to what lights you up.

3. For self-compassion, write what you’d say to your best friend, and then imagine them saying exactly that to you, and then it can land.

4. It’s not too late. You have the ability to radically change your reality if that’s what you want.

5. You have to be willing to look at the darkness to get to the light that’s on the other side.

6. Self-compassion increases our will power and our resilience.

7. Past-life regression as a modality can provide radical transformation.

8. Per Brian Weiss, psychiatrist, hypnotherapist, and author who specializes in past life regression says we have both a soul and an ego. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.

To get Vanessa’s book and see all that she is doing go to: www.vanessaloder.com/soul-solution


And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

1) If you feel that you are climbing the wrong ladder, whether it’s a relationship that isn’t right for you, work that you’re doing, or what you’re not doing, stop. Pay attention to those soul whispers.

2) Journal, talk to a coach, therapist or trusted friend and then come up with the next right thing you can do to get on the right ladder!

3) Write me! nancy@lovinglaterlife.com and share your story so you can also help others.

4) Please remember: It. Is. Not. Too. Late!


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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It’d be great if you would like Loving Later Life on Facebook and Instagram!

Also: If you have a story you’d like to share for the podcast or have questions or comments for Nancy email nancy@lovinglaterlife.com

Last but not least: If you’d like to know more about having Nancy as a private coach, click here!



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