What Habits and Stories Are Holding You Back? And How to Start to Stop Them

What stories are you telling yourself?

Have you wanted to take a trip but you “can’t” because you have no one to go with you.

Do you put makeup on before going to the gym because you’ll see people you know and don’t want them to see you “that way?”

Have you wanted to sing at a karaoke bar, but you “know” that people will think you’re awful.

Do you not wear a bathing suit because you don’t want to be seen in public because you think everyone will notice the dimples in your thighs?

Are you unhappy in a relationship but “can’t leave because you’re too old to start again on your own?”

Join me as I share how to notice when we are telling ourselves these stories, and what to do about it so we can unlearn them and live a later life we love! How? As vulnerable as it feels, I use one of mine to show you what I’m doing about it in real time.

Not be missed take-ways:

1. Some of the thoughts and behaviors that keep us from living the life that we want deeeep down have been passed down to us either genetically or that we’ve observed and some we create all on our own. Our very creative selves projecting a movie from our mind to the big screen of our life.

2. Listen to what you are saying to yourself.

3. It is time to let this shit go. It is time to break the patterns. It’s time to take the messages off repeat repeat repeat, and delete, delete, delete!

4. A Cleveland Clinic article said that often our behavioral habits and stories are based in fear.

5. We look for evidence to prove what we want to prove. If we’re fearful, we will find evidence that proves why we can’t or shouldn’t do something.

6. When you can, Notice it, Name it, Reframe it.

7. If you’d like to talk with me about coaching, you can go to nancylanggibbs.com/coaching and schedule a complimentary call with me to see if it’s something you’d like to do.

And your mission, that I hope you’ll choose to accept…

I have two to choose from or do both!

1) What old messages and what stories are you telling yourself? Write them down. Notice them. Name them Reframe them. And if you feel like sharing with me, email me nancy@lovinglaterlife.com

2) Start writing (literally) a new story. Write down, Once Upon a Time, and just let it flow from you what your new story looks like. How you see yourself, what are you doing more of, who you’re with, where are you?….you get the idea.


Thank you so much for listening! And until the next time, live passionately, vulnerably, and keep loving later life!


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Also: If you have a story you’d like to share for the podcast or have questions or comments for Nancy email nancy@lovinglaterlife.com

Last but not least: If you’d like to know more about having Nancy as a private coach, click here!


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